infraSTAT’s passive operations management system rolled out by Africa Towers and NSN
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infraSTAT’s passive operations management system rolled out by Africa Towers and NSN


Combining data from multiple sources and providing the visibility necessary to optimise network efficiency

infraSTAT’s telecom analytics based passive operations management system is being used to manage 10,000 towers across ten different countries in Africa. infraSTAT deciphers and combines data from RMS sensors, OSS external alarms, infraSTAT’s own field force governance interface, financial, contractual and procurement sources to provide a real time flow of information that improves visibility into cell site operations, and enables the transition from of reactive to preventative management of the network.

TowerXchange: What is infraSTAT’s role in the telecom tower industry?

Arun Sarma, VP (Marketing), infraSTAT:

infraSTAT has evolved over the last three years from a real time status reporting and field force governance system to become a comprehensive passive operations management system for telecom towers.


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