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As the sole resource to collate the site counts of the entire global towerco industry, TowerXchange’s famous towerco league table provides an invaluable resource for those following the sector.

As the sole resource to collate the site counts of the entire global towerco industry, TowerXchange’s famous towerco league table provides an invaluable resource for those following the sector.

Alongside TowerXchange’s five regional guides and five regional “who’s whos”, the towerco league table serves as a central reference point for the industry, detailing the key stakeholders that you need to know in the global towerco market.

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Research methodology

We have derived tower counts for the category’s listed entities from quarterly statements, where available, while the other counts are provided directly by towerco management teams or drawn from qualitative market research. Smaller towerco counts may be updated less frequently.

We ask for a count of complete macro and rooftop towers marketed for co-location, but inevitably some towercos inflate their tower count by including works in progress or other structures not suitable for colocation. As such, TowerXchange’s tower count should be considered estimates.

Using the data or suggesting amends

As the product of proprietary market research, TowerXchange asserts copyright over this table and the data listed herein. If you want to use data in your own analysis, you need to request our permission.

If you wish to suggest a correction or request permission to quote, please email matthew.edwards@towerxchange.com