EnerSys: Why lead-acid batteries meet the energy storage requirements of >90% of African cell sites
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EnerSys: Why lead-acid batteries meet the energy storage requirements of >90% of African cell sites


EnerSys® is exploring alternate energy storage chemistries, while moving up the value chain to offer cabinets and other complete power solutions

EnerSys®, innovators behind Li-Ion, Vanadium Redox and Sodium Sulphur energy storage, make the case for continuing use of lead-acid batteries in Africa. As leaders in energy storage, they are providing Li-Ion, Ni-Cad and developing Nickel-Zinc energy storage solutions, and moving up the value chain to provide cabinets and even complete solar solutions, but the core of their business in SSA remains provision of lead-acid energy storage components.

TowerXchange: What role does EnerSys play in the telecoms infrastructure ecosystem?

Anssi Laitinen, Director of Marketing, Reserve Power EMEA, EnerSys:

EnerSys is a leading energy storage supplier, known for providing high quality and good nerSys is a leading energy storage supplier, known for providing high quality solutions and good service throughout the value chain.


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