In the opinion of Cambridge Clean Energy (CCE); a specialised powerco optimises value creation by maximising long-term energy efficiency, as opposed to a towerco, who may look no further than the quick wins that yield 15-20% improvements. As such, CCE believes that African towercos will eventually follow a similar path to those in India, who ultimately realised that they could only achieve their target valuation multiples by partnering with powercos. CCE advocate a fixed price Energy Management Solution as a Service (EMSaaS) proposition with guaranteed 99.9% uptime that MNOs find appealing.
TowerXchange: Please introduce CCE – where do you fit in the telecom infrastructure ecosystem?
Bill Bubenicek, President/CEO, CCE:
Cambridge Clean Energy (CCE), is a London based distributed renewable energy company, founded with the vision to take forward the leading Clean Power/Renewable Energy companies in the emerging markets of the world in an effort aimed at displacing over 1.76