Mecc Alte: From AC to DC power, from indoor to outdoor solutions – an innovative solution to extract maximum value from standard DGs
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Mecc Alte: From AC to DC power, from indoor to outdoor solutions – an innovative solution to extract maximum value from standard DGs


The Mercurio power converter from Mecc Alte provides an integrated step between DG and hybrid power

African towercos have invested over US$4bn acquiring 41,000 distributed cell sites, and the associated distributed independent power network. The reality is that the standard DGs used at the majority of the off grid sites are not likely to be replaced until those DGs reach the end of their service life. With the increasing use of outdoor equipment, many sites don’t need oversized DGs to start air conditioning units any more, so how can you ensure those oversized DGs run more efficiently until the end of their lifespan? How can you implement a solution that does not need to be replaced when alternate energy solutions start being installed into your network? The answer may lie in the innovative Mercurio power converter from leading alternator manufacturers Mecc Alte.


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