How SBA continues to find double digit growth in International markets
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How SBA continues to find double digit growth in International markets


SBA’s International President Kurt Bagwell contrasts the tower markets in Central America with Brazil

SBA Communications is a company that needs no introduction. TowerXchange constantly reports on their international acquisitions and speculates on potential future deals but today, we had the pleasure of talking once more with Kurt Bagwell, President of SBA’s International business. Kurt shared with us some in-depth insights into the rationale behind the company’s initial move South of the border, the company’s financial model as well as some hints on their possible next steps in Latin America.

TowerXchange: Kurt, you joined SBA back in 2001… Please could you share a history of how the company, and the tower industry, developed from humble origins and a period in 2002-3 when SBAC, AMT and CCI shares were valued at around a hundredth of their value today – it must have been a helluva ride for management teams and shareholders!

Kurt Bagwell, President, International, SBA Communications:

I can definitely say it’s been quite a journey! SBA is now in its twenty-sixth year of operation and a lot has changed since 1989, when it started as a site acquisition company.


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