The CellBoat is a revolutionary addition to the telecom infrastructure arsenal, which now gives site developers the ability to gain coverage where it was previously unavailable. Areas with adversarial zoning, as well as water, wetland, marsh or coastal areas can now be opened up to become revenue generating telecom sites! Site acquisition and zoning approvals seem to be the most common bottleneck in the deployment of new cellsites worldwide… With the possible exception of regions with ferocious rainy seasons, where some cell sites can be inaccessible for amonths at a time. Veteran site acquisition professional, now Managing Member of Sierra Tower Partners, Tim Romanowski proposes an innovative solution…
TowerXchange: Please introduce Sierra Tower Partners, where does your company fit in the tower industry?
Tim Romanowski, Managing Member, Sierra Tower Partners:
Sierra Tower Partners was formed in 2014 in response to what I perceived as a need for a tower company that can do four things not only well, but exceptionally: