A flexible solution for site rollout and site management


How ITD #MakeTheEverydayBetter

With a management team hailing from MNO field operations, IT-Development (ITD) have put user experience at the forefront of their flagship product, ClickOnSite. Building flexibility into their offering and supporting clients with innovative and disruptive ideas to improve day to day site rollout and site management, TowerXchange spoke to ITD’s Managing Director, Jerome Perret to learn more.

TowerXchange: Please can you introduce ITD

Jerome Perret, Managing Director, ITD:

ITD provides Mobile Network Operators (MNO) with an innovative end-to-end solution for managing their network rollout and operations. ITD has a suite of products but our flagship product is ClickOnSite, a SaaS tool specialised in site management with remote monitoring capabilities under development.

ClickOnSite, is the number one solution for site rollout and site management. This SaaS tool makes management of processes around towers, rooftops, fibre, small cells and other areas visible and efficient. ClickOnSite is focused on the essential tasks operator staff need to manage efficiently and cost-effectively, all the way from site rollout (project management) to asset management, as well as operation and maintenance (including trouble ticketing and work orders).

Whilst this system has historically targeted MNOs, we currently have a solution under development, designed specifically for independent towercos, which we look forward to launching ahead of the TowerXchange Meetup this October.

ITD’s management and employees are experienced telecom & IT professionals with strong technical expertise and industry-specific knowledge built up through multiple successful projects in a number of countries, including Algeria, Nigeria, Botswana, Ivory Coast, Cameroon, the Philippines and Vietnam, amongst others.

ITD is entering a new stage of growth; we have launched ClickOnSite V.2, which we are very proud of, and are building out our sales and marketing to get it into the hands of customers around the world, especially Africa, Asia and Europe.

TowerXchange: Who are some of the companies who have adopted your system and how widely has it been deployed?

Jerome Perret, Managing Director, ITD:

ITD has developed long-term client relationships with a number of prestigious industry players in the telecom industry including Orange, Airtel, MTN, Tele2, Altice in addition to several others. Our solution has over 12,000 daily users across twenty different countries.

TowerXchange: What differentiates you from your competitors? 

Jerome Perret, Managing Director, ITD:

Our success has been built by serving customers in Africa and now Asia; working in those regions and with companies dealing with issues in those regions is in our DNA. It is through the engagement and commitment of our team members from France, Belgium, Slovakia, US, Benin, Morocco, and Vietnam which gives us a great reputation amongst our clients and the industry in our focus regions.

Secondly, our senior management comes from working in the field for telcos, therefore our solutions are based on customer needs and experience, which we know first-hand. Our company philosophy – which we live every day – is to know and serve our customers to the highest degree, so we stay in regular touch with them.

As we work we are thinking of the users of the tool; we keep in mind that after a day spent, for example, on sandy tracks, in traffic jams or under heavy rain, the user does not want to spend time entering data or making a report. We make ClickOnSite a tool which makes the daily work of the user easier and better. And hopefully more enjoyable. Which explains our tagline: #MakeTheEverydayBetter

Thirdly, our software is built on the most modern technology stack, optimised for users both in the field as well as in the office. ClickOnSite is made to be flexible to conform to each customer’s work processes, not force them to change processes to use our tools.


TowerXchange: What do you think is one of the biggest challenges that tower owners are facing today and how do you help them address this?

Jerome Perret, Managing Director, ITD:

As the number of towers and cell sites increases rapidly, one of the biggest issues tower owners’ have today is lack of visibility and control, losing efficiency and spending increasing money in terms of time and resources. They are struggling with tools not made to work at this scale and speed. Many companies are using Excel while others are using big systems that are more of a broad ERP solution, which users must adapt to.

Naturally, tower owners want software which is a highly efficient tool for managing sites, but we believe they also want a technology partner who helps them adjust to rapidly changing market conditions so they can quickly move forward with running their businesses; they want a tool and partner which supports them now in a flexible way, as well as offers creativity and disruptive ideas – for example, using data intelligence and statistics to foresee and solve issues, instead of relying on approximate calculations. An example of this is in tower load prediction.

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