As a companion piece to our report on the inaugural TowerXchange and IFC Telecom Tower Regulatory conference, TowerXchange interviewed Rema Devi Nair, Regulatory Advisor to the CEO at Asia’s leading multi-country infrastructure provider, edotco. Rema Devi Nair has been active in the regulatory sphere for more than 20 years, having played a variety of roles including that of regulator, as well as headed regulatory management in a regional capacity at Axiata Group and prior to that at TM International.
TowerXchange: In terms of attracting international investment, innovation and expertise from towercos, what would you advocate be the guiding principles of infrastructure sharing policy and towerco licensing by regulators and other government stakeholders?
Rema Devi Nair, Regulatory Advisor to the CEO, edotco Group:
Globally, the economic benefits of infrastructure sharing are well recognised by regulators and these include
(i) optimisation of scare resources such as land and roof space
(ii) optimisation of investment between sharing operators
(iii) ability to focus investment in technology and service innovation.