Voltalia has acquired a very strong track record in the ESCO space over the past few years. With over 500 MW of installed power generation capacity, recognised industrial capabilities, over €900mn of assets on its balance sheet and a very long-term reference shareholder, Voltalia can afford to take a longer term, more industrial view than private equity-backed competitors. In this interview, we learn about the progress of Voltalia’s maiden telecom ESCO project in Myanmar, and learn about their pipeline for future business and targets for the coming years.
TowerXchange: Please introduce yourself and your company.
Charles-Henry Duprez, Managing Director, Renewable Energy for Telecom, Voltalia:
Founded thirteen years ago, Voltalia has multiplied its installed capacity by more than ten since 2012 to 524 MW, consolidating our position as a leading player in renewable energy, in solar, wind, hydro and biomass.