A keynote panel session at TowerXchange’s 2019 Middle East and North Africa Meetup brought together six towercos to discuss how best to serve the diverse markets of the region. Over the course of an information-packed hour we heard from Ted Manvitz, CSO of IHS Towers, Suresh Sidhu, CEO of edotco Group, Kash Pandya, CEO of Helios Towers, American Tower’s CCO for Africa Keith Boyd, Rajiv Jaitly, CEO of iSON Tower and Iyad Mazhar, the Founder of TASC Towers. The session was chaired by Gulfraz Qayyum, the Managing Director for TMT at Citi.
To date there have been no tower transactions of scale in the region and fewer than 1% of the region’s 275,104 towers sit in independent towerco hands.